All the playfield machinery I have I purchased used online or from online classifieds. Some components are direly expensive such as the ball trough. So I decided to try and make one.
Makeshift Ball Trough / Ugliest Sheet Metal Work Ever |
Above is a photo of the ball trough I made. It is ugly, poor workmanship on the sheet metal and the ball launcher is a little loose; but it works. I purchased a very cheap sheet metal hand brake to make this and other brackets. I also made a slingshot mechanism as well.
Makeshift Slingshot Mechanism |
It works. The only issue with the slingshot mechanism is that I had to thread some 1/4 inch rod. I used two nuts to lock the far side so that it does loosen during use. The two nuts take up a lot of space a leave little room for the two microswitches that will detect when a pinball has hit the slingshot. These are a real pain to make when, honestly, I do not have the right tools for it.
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