Now that I have been lazy about working on my pinball machine for a while, I got mad enough to motivate myself to work on it. The solenoid driver board is being re-hashed, again but in the meantime I am trying to put together a 6-channel audio mixer and stereo amp. Just quickly, to update on the solenoid driver board I've been working on the schematics for it. I am at least doing a better job of documenting my work. I will be posting the schematics and my first board layout soon. Due to the board sized limitation on EagleCad freeware , I can only fit (at least I think I can) the circuitry to drive six solenoids. I am fine by this. It makes my solenoid power distribution more modular. I will likely use three boards for 18 solenoids. The EagleCad freeware is limited to a board size of 8 x 10 cm. I could have used KiCad as it is unlimited but from what I have heard it is not as user friendly and everyone has EagleCad which makes shar...