In my initial solenoid power board design, I used a PWM signal to control the power to the solenoids. I used an AND gate so that the PWM signal could be constantly running but require the microcontroller's command to turn on. This is done by putting the other pin on the AND gate to HIGH. I have added a PWM component to the single pulse generator so that I am able to control the average voltage of the pulse. I am also trying to offload as much work as possible off the microcontroller so that it runs quickly. For most of the solenoids in the pinball machine, the power that is required will not change during the game. The only ones that I can think would possible change would be the pop bumpers. I would like them to be stronger during certain periods of play. To do this, I think I will need to use a 50V power supply in order to be able to play the game at a lower power level and then to have enough reserve to raise it to a noticeable difference....